Stephen Westland

Chair of Colour Science and Technology

School of Design, University of Leeds

I work at the University of Leeds in the School of Design. My main interest is colour. My approach to studying colour is post-disciplinary and this means that my work spans some quite diverse areas such as design, science and technology, and machine learning. I welcome applicants for PhD study and enjoy collaborations with industry.
This is my personal page. For my official University page please go to Contacts.

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Recent Research Highights

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Lai P & Westland S, 2020. Machine Learning for Colour Palette Extraction from Fashion Runway Images, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 13(3), 334-340.

In this paper we develop and text method that can automatically extract key colours from images of models in fashion runway images. We used various machine learning algorithms including people-detection method (to ignore the image background) and the clustering technique k-means. The accuracy of the system is tested using groundtrut data where people were asked to select colours from the images. The difference between the machine-selected colours and the human colours was not greater than the variation between colours selected by different people.

Xia G, Henry P, Queiroz F, Westland S & Luwen Y, 2022. Colour - cognitive performance interaction in virtual reality (VR): a study of gender differences, Journal of the International Colour Association, 28, 1-6.

Cognitive performance tests were carried out in a VR environment (HTC VIVE headset) in differently coloured room settings. Results indicated that colours delivered via a VR headset can have arousing and impulsive effects on particiants' cognitive performance. Some gender effects were observed; for example, female participants made more errors with the yellow background and fewer errors with the orange backgrounds compared with the male participants.

Kadyrova K, Pederson M & Westland S, 2022. What Elevation Makes 2.5D Prints Perceptually Natural?, Materials, 15(10), 3573.

The naturalness of 2.5D prints is affected by the level of elevation and is application-dependent. In this work, we investigated what elevation makes 2.5D prints of wood images perceptually natural. We worked with various wood content images such as wooden wicker, wall, roof, and floor. We found that the optimal elevation that makes 2.5D prints of wood images perceptually natural is content-dependent and in a range between 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm.

Yang J, Chen Y, Xiao K & Westland S, 2020. Predicting visual similarity betwen colour palettes, Color Research and Application, 45(3), 401-408

In this paper we develop a metric that can predict the visual colour difference between a pair of n-colour palettes. An n-colour palette is a colour palette that contains n colour patches. If n=1 we have a regular situation where the visual difference can be predicted using colour difference equations such as CIEDE2000. A pyschophyiscal experiment is described where the visual difference between pairs of 5-colour palettes was scaled and is then predicted by various models. The models are assessed quantitatively using r squared and STRESS. Best performance is given by a metric called the minimum colour difference model (MICDM). The colour difference between each patch in each palettes is calculated with its closest colour patch in the other palette and these 2n colour differences are then averaged. For the MICDM metric based on the CIEDE2000 colour difference equation the r square value was 0.86 and STRESS was 16.9.

Chen Y, Yang J, Pan Q, Vazirian M & Westland S, 2019. A method of exploring word-colour associations, Color Research and Application, 45(1), 85-94.

Strong associations exist between colours and concepts or words. Understanding these associations, sometimes referred to as colour emotions, is important for effective use of colour in art and design. Traditionally the relationships have been systematically explored in experiments where participants scale colours according to bipolar adjectives such as warm‐cool. In this article, a method for exploring the relationships between words and colours is suggested and is demonstrated. A psychophysical experiment is described where participants select colours based on words. The data are used to show that many similarities between the word‐colour relationships for UK and Chinese participants although some interesting differences are also revealed. The method makes explicit the observation that there is not a one‐to‐one relationship between words and colours. The method could be used to explore word‐colour relationship for specific words and participant groups or could be used to generate ground‐truth data for testing methods for automatically generating the word‐colour relationships.

Lin J, Westland S & Cheung V, 2019. Effect of intensity of short-wavelength light on electroencephalogram and subjective alertness, Lighting Research and Technology, 1477153519872801.

Short-wavelength light is known to have an effect on human alertness in the night-time. This study evaluates the alerting ability of short-wavelength light of three different intensities (40 lux, 80 lux and 160 lux). Eight subjects participated in a 60-minute exposure protocol for four evenings, during which electroencephalogram (EEG) as well as subjective sleepiness data were collected. EEG power in the beta range was significantly higher after subjects were exposed to 160 lux light than after they were exposed to 40 lux, 80 lux light or remained in darkness. Also, the alpha theta power was significantly lower under 160 lux light then in darkness. These results show that the effect of intensity on alertness is not linear and further work should be done to investigate the threshold intensity that is required to produce an alerting effect.

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Research Students

Research Students Supervised

Y Jiang, PhD (visiting), current - TBC
Y Pan, PhD, current - TBC
J Jiang, PhD, current - TBC
Q He, PhD, current - colour harmony in 3D spaces
A Widasati, PhD, current - colour and interior design
S Angharad Booth, PhD, current - colour forecasting
S Hein, PhD, current - colour in dentistry
MY Chen, PhD, current - colour and seasonal affective disorder
A Nasseraldin, completed 2023, current - an emotional response space for logos
P Lai, PhD, completed 2023 - data-based colour forecasting
A Jiang, PhD, completed 2022 - colour and environment
C Sullivan, PhD, completed 2022 - colour measurement of dental materials
L Yu, PhD, completed 2021 - colour preferences and consumer behaviour
SJ Lee, PhD, completed 2021 - environmental colour design
Y Chen, PhD, completed 2021 - data-based colour meaning
J Rooney, PhD, completed 2021 - an investigation into situated creative identity via typographic geography
J Lin, PhD, completed 2020 - the effect of light on alertness
J Yang, PhD, completed 2020 - colour and landscape
K Findlater, PhD, completed 2020 - HDR imaging
M Vazirian, PhD, completed 2018 - colour management of displays
N Ciccone, PhD, completed 2018 - colour and impulsiveness
S Won, PhD, completed 2016 - colour information in design
EA Gaston, PhD, completed 2016 - colour, form and texture and their influence on pattern perception in Fair Isle knitted fabrics
SC Kao, PhD, completed 2015 - colour and computer animation
C Hemingray, PhD, completed 2014 - colour prediction for sustainable fibre blending
PM Henry, PhD, completed 2014 - colour-picker tool for design
L Tao, PhD, completed 2013 - colour in product design
MM Daroodi, PhD, completed 2013 - colour semiotics
Y Li, PhD, completed 2012 - incomplete pair-comparison experiments
J Wang, MPhil, completed 2011 - colour management in textile design
Q Pan, PhD, completed 2011 - inkjet printing system for textiles
F Mahyar, PhD, completed 2010 - investigating colour harmony in the context of design
Y Zhang, PhD, completed 2009 - inkjet printing system for textiles
W Luo, PhD, completed 2008 - assessment of tooth colour
A Gatt, PhD, completed 2008 - cross-media colour reproduction
Q Chen, PhD, completed 2006 - multispectral imaging
L Iovine, PhD, completed 2005 - colour space transformations
TLV Cheung, PhD, completed 2004 - colour camera characterization
DR Connah, PhD, completed 2004 - multispectral imaging
C Ripamonti, PhD, completed 2002 - perception of transparency
HC Owens, PhD, completed 2002 - spatiochromatic processing in humans and machines
ARH Heptinstall, MPhil, completed 1999 - perception of lightness differences

CT Mateos, PhD, current (second supervisor) - mechanically recycled fibres in yarn manufacturing process
S Zhou, PhD, current (second supervisor) - colour reproduction based on deep learning algorithm
A Simon, PhD, current (second supervisor at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research, Germany) - reproduction of human teeth using 3D printing
D Yang, PhD, current (second supervisor) - digital map design
A Alkhabra, PhD, current - interior colour design
H-Y Hyun, PhD, completed 2024 (second supervisor) - social media and branding
J Yue, PhD, completed 2024 (second supervisor) - design principles for global health emergencies
C Dunn, PhD, completed 2023 (second supervisor) - colour management and digital pathology
R He, PhD, completed 2023 (second supervisor) - 3D printing of facial protheses
Y Lu, PhD, completed 2023 (second supervisor) - facial attractiveness under various illumination
G Lee, PhD, completed 2023 (second supervisor) - inclusive colour information
A Kadyrova, PhD, completed 2023 (second supervisor at NTNU, Norway) - visual assessment of 2.5D prints
M Baxter, PhD, completed 2022 (second supervisor) - improving the effectiveness of public health infographics through design principle education
G Xia, PhD, completed 2022 (second supervisor) - colour lighting in virtual reality
S Shi, PhD, completed 2021 (second supervisor) - design thinking and social media
SW Hasbullah, PhD, completed 2020 - manipulative textile design patterns
V Perzolla, PhD, completed 2018 (second supervisor) - preventive conservation treatments for leather-related materials
MM Wang, PhD, completed 2018 (second supervisor) - skin colour
M Hendry, PhD, completed 2017 (second supervisor) - design thinking and social media
D Attiah, PhD, completed 2016 (second supervisor) - colour in interior design
A Alawami, DClinDent, completed 2015 (second supervisor) - colour change in traumetised anterior permanent teeth
YJ Cho, PhD, completed 2015 (second supervisor) - colour imaging
G Salihu, PhD, completed 2014 (second supervisor) - sustainable coloration
GF Wei, PhD, completed 2012 (second supervisor) - colour vision models
JS Kim, PhD, completed 2009 (second supervisor) - colour appearance modelling for moving images
S Kitaguchi, PhD, completed 2008 (second supervisor) - modelling the appearance of special-effect colours
R Summers, PhD, completed 2005 (second supervisor) - natural image statistics
SMM Lee, PhD (Hong Kong), completed 2004 (second supervisor) - image-difference metrics
S Bouzit, PhD, completed 2004 (second supervisor) - image-quality assessment
SY Zhu, PhD, completed 2002 (second supervisor) - uniform colour spaces for image applications
I Castellarin, Laurea (Italy, MPhil equivalent), completed 2000 (second supervisor) - colour statistics of surfaces

External Appointments

S Tanangsnakool, PhD, Kings College London, external examiner (2023)
T Habib, PhD, Norweigan University of Science and Technology (Norway), external examiner (2023)
M Bejrananda, PhD, Brunel University, external examiner (2023)
T Outlaw, University College London, external examiner (2021)
E Fry, PhD, University of Westminster, external examiner (2020)
A Akanuma, PhD, Goldsmiths, University of London, external examiner (2020)
RSA Eldesoky, PhD, University of Manchester, external examiner (2018)
K Kasemsarn, PhD, Brunel University, external examiner (2018)
N Alnassar, PhD, Brunel University, external examiner (2017)
M Olsen, PhD, University of Western England, external examiner (2016)
JH Na, PhD, Brunel University London, external examiner (2016)
W Gao, PhD, University of Manchester, external examiner (2015)
M Harris, PhD, University of East Anglia, external examiner (2015)
HAA Silsilah, PhD, Brunel University London, external examiner (2015)
M Flinkman, PhD, University of Eastern Finland (Finland), opponent (2014)
M Mrango, PhD, University of Manchester, external examiner (2013)
R Chinniah, PhD, University of Mauritius (Maritius), external examiner (2013)
F Nickpour, PhD, Brunel University London, external examiner (2012)
V Vezzani, PhD, Politechnico di Milano (Italy), final committee member (2012)
X Liu, PhD, Politechnico di Milano (Italy), final committee member (2012)
R Perkins, PhD, University of Manchester, external examiner (2011)
M Solli, PhD, Linkopings University (Sweden), external examiner (2011)
D Oulton, PhD, University of Manchester, external examiner (2010)
D Pryor, PhD, Staffordshire University, external examiner (2010)
J Cox, PhD, Staffordshire University, external examiner (2010)
A Taylor, PhD, University of Manchester, external examiner (2010)
G Moretti, PhD, Massey University (New Zealand), external examiner (2009)
C Parraman, PhD, University of the West of England, external examiner (2009)
O Tulet, PhD, University of Poitiers (France), external examiner (2009)
B Stahre, PhD, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), external examiner (2009)
H Hsieh, PhD, Brunel University, external examiner (2008)
L Huang, PhD, Derby University, external examiner (2007)
X Gao, PhD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, external examiner (2007)
RT Song, PhD, Derby University, external examiner (2007)
J Paul, PhD, University of East Anglia, external examiner (2007)
K Xiao, PhD, Derby University, external examinar (2006)
B Han, PhD, Derby University, external examiner (2006)
M Iwase, MPhil, Derby University, external examiner (2005)
T Hussain, PhD, Heriot-Watt University, external examiner (2004)
PDA Pinto, MPhil, UMIST, external examiner (2004)
A Konstantaras, PhD, University of Central Lancashire, external examiner (2004)
J Berens, PhD, University of East Anglia, external examiner (2002)
K MacLennan-Brown, PhD, University of Westminster, external examiner (2001)
M Refaee, PhD, University of Central Lancashire, external examiner (2001)
A Cohen, PhD, Keele University, external examiner (2000, 2002)
A Tsoutseos, PhD, Leeds University, external examiner (1999)
CDeM Bezerra, PhD, UMIST, external examiner examiner (1998)
H Skelton, PhD, Leeds University, external examiner (1997)
LM Doherty, PhD, Aston University, external examiner (1997)
G Allen, PhD, Heriot-Watt University, external examiner (1995, 1999, 2000)

Z Gong, MPhil, Leeds University, internal examiner (2023)
Z Wang, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2021)
AE Muñoz, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2020)
R Gharaei, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2017)
ZY Kang, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2016)
BA Lang, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2016)
M Georgoulan, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2016)
SEL Bulman, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2015)
G Lanzilao, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2015)
M-H Jung, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2015)
M Fuller, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2015)
Y-L Hung, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2014)
E Dufton, MRes, Leeds University, internal examiner (2014)
E-S Hur, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2013)
C Kitsara, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2013)
A Kljun, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2013)
Y-F Chou, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2012, 2013)
Y Yuan, MSc Research, Leeds University, internal examiner (2011)
Y Chen, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2011, 2013)
S-T Wei, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2010)
MM Brooks, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2010)
L Zhu, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2009)
N Kumar, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2009)
WW Song, MSc Research, Leeds University, internal examiner (2009)
YK Park, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2008)
YC Wu, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2007)
A Harvey, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2007)
B Oicherman, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2007)
M Rankovic, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2007)
A-M Negrou, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2006)
A Vijayan, PhD, Leeds University, internal examiner (2005)
S Sueeprasan, PhD, Derby University, internal examiner (2002)
G Cui, PhD, Derby University, internal examiner (2000)
HP Lee, MPhil, Derby University, internal examiner (2000)
C Alexander, MPhil, Keele University, internal examiner (1998)
MGA Thomson, PhD, Keele University, internal examiner (1996)

President of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC, 2018/2019)
Davies Medal - The Royal Photographic Society (2008)
Advisor for Colour Science Research Unit (Department of Imaging and Printing Technology, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) (2014-)
Visiting Professor at School of Design (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) (2018-)
Visiting Professor at School of Computing (University of East Anglia, UK) (2017-)
Member of International Advisory Board for Colour and Imaging Institute (Tsinghua University, China) (2010-)
Senior Adjunct Scientist at Dental School at the University of Texas (University of Texas, USA) (2010-)

Member of International Editorial Board of Advances in Research (2014-)
Member of International Editorial Board of Progress in Color, Colorants and Coatings (2014-)
External Validator for BA (Hons) Fashion: Media and Marketing, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Winchester) (2012)
External Examiner for MA Design and Branding Strategy / MA Design Strategy and Innovation, School of Engineering and Design (Brunnel University London) (2011-2017)
External Examiner for for BSc (Hons) Digital and Photographic Imaging, Department of Design, Digital Media and Photography (University of Westminster) (2014-2019)
External Course Assessor for BSc (Hons) Digital and Photographic Imaging, Department of Design, Digital Media and Photography (University of Westminster) (2005)
Expert Witness in Crown v. McLaren, Stafford (UK) (2005)
Expert Witness in Colgate-Palmolive Co. v. The Procter & Gamble Co., 03 Civ. 9348 LLS, New York (USA) (2004)
Expert Witness in Crown v. Elliott (T20038028), London (UK) (2004)
External Course Assessor for MSc Digital Colour Imaging, London College of Printing (London Institute) (2001)
Member of International Editorial Board of Journal of the Society of Dyers & Colourists (1998-)

Member of Colour Measurement Committee (SDC) (1992-)
Fellow of the Society of Dyers and Colourists FSDC (2008)
Member of Colour Group
Member of the Society for Imaging Science and Technology
Director of Colourware Ltd (1996-2011)
Governor of Scarborough College (2007-2011)
Director of Colour Intelligence Ltd (2021-)
Governor of Tadcaster Grammar School (2020-2025)

View Publications


Books and book chapters

Westland S, 2025. Colour science for art history, in A Companion to Color, Mottram J and Smith P (eds.), Bloomsbury (being prepared).

Xiao K, Westland S & Li C, 2025. Measurement of Colour and Appearance in Teeth, Skin and Hair, Wiley (being prepared).

Hur E, Hemingray C & Westland S, 2024. The Fashion Futurist’s Toolkit: Nowcasting to Forecasting Trends, Taylor and Francis (in press).

Westland S & Lai P, 2024. Data-driven color forecasting, in Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of World Textiles, Bloomsbury (in press).

Westland S, 2024. Color Theory for Textiles, in Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of World Textiles, Bloomsbury (in press).

Jiang A & Westland S, 2024. Colour Futures, Springer-Nature.

Westland S & Maggio M, 2023. Universal Principles of Color, Quarto Publishing.

Westland S & Pan Q, 2020. Technology and Trade, in The Cultural History of Colour: The Modern Age, Street S and Steinvall A (eds.), Bloomsbury, pp39-56.

Lee G, Westland S & Tang T, 2020. Designer Attitudes to Accessible Information Provision on a Bus Route Map: Focus Group Discussions, in Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology. [accepted 03/12/2019]

Westland S, 2015. CIE Chromaticity Coordinates (xyY), in Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Luo MR (ed.), 1-4, Springer. [doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_1-1].

Westland S, 2015. CIE Whiteness, in Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Luo MR (ed.), 1-5, Springer. [doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_5-1]

Westland S, 2015. USC Diagrams; Uniform Chromaticity Scales; Yu'v', in Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Luo MR (ed.), 1-3, Springer. [doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_10-1]

Westland S, 2015. Dalton, John, in Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Luo MR (ed.), 1-3, Springer. [doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_10-1].

Briggs D & Westland S, 2015. Itten, Johannes, in Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Luo MR (ed.), 1-3, Springer. [doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_338-2]

Westland S, 2015. Interpoloation of Spectral Data, in Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Luo MR (ed.), 1-1, Springer. [doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_366-1]

Westland S, 2015. Rushton, William A.H., in Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, Luo MR (ed.), 1-2, Springer. [doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_345-1]

Westland S, 2015. Colorimetric Characterization, in HandbookColor Image and Video Enhancement, Celebi ME, Lecca M and Smolka B (eds.), 1-12, Springer (2015).

Westland S, Ripamonti C & Cheung V, 2012. Computational Colour Science: Using MATLAB (2nd edition), John Wiley. ISBN-10: 0470665696
For further information see book webpage.

Westland S, 2012. Color Communication, in Handbook of Visual Display Technology, Chen J, Cranton W and Fihn M (eds.), 131-138, Springer-Verlag.

Westland S, 2012. The CIE System, in Handbook of Visual Display Technology, Chen J, Cranton W and Fihn M (eds.), 139-146, Springer-Verlag.

Westland S & Cheung V, 2012. RGB Systems, in Handbook of Visual Display Technology, Chen J, Cranton W and Fihn M (eds.), 147-154, Springer-Verlag.

Westland S & Cheung V, 2012. CMYK Systems, in Handbook of Visual Display Technology, Chen J, Cranton W and Fihn M (eds.), 155-160, Springer-Verlag.

Westland S & Cheung V., 2006. Colour Perception, in Total Colour Management in Textiles, ed. Xin JH, 7-21, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. ISBN 1855739232

Westland S, 2004. Color, in Esthetic Color Training in Dentistry, eds. Paravina RD and Powers JM, 3-16, Elsevier Mosby. ISBN: 0323028381

Westland S & Ripamonti C, 2004. Computational Color Science: Using MATLAB, John Wiley. ISBN: 0470845627
For further information see book webpage.

Moreland JD & Westland S, 2003. Macular pigment: Nature's notch pigment, in Normal and Defective Colour Vision, eds. Mollon JD, Pokorny J and Knoblauch K, Chapter 28, Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0198525303

Westland S, 2002. Models of colour perception and colour appearance, in Colour in Food: improving quality, ed. MacDougal DB, 64-79, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 0849315425

Westland S, 2002. Colour science, in Signals and Perception: The Fundamentals of Human Sensation, ed. Roberts D, 133-146, Palgrave. ISBN: 0333993640

Westland S, 2002. Functional colour vision, in Signals and Perception: The Fundamentals of Human Sensation, ed. Roberts D, 91-102, Palgrave. ISBN: 0333993640

Ripamonti C & Westland S, 2002. Perception of transparency, in Colour Image Science: Exploiting Digital Media, eds. MacDonald L and Luo MR, 3-22, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 0471499277

Thomson MGA & Westland S, 2002. Spectral colour statistics of surfaces, in Colour Image Science: Exploiting Digital Media, eds. MacDonald L and Luo MR, 99-113, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 0471499277

Bishop JM, Bushnell MJ & Westland S, 1990. Computer Recipe Prediction using Neural Networks, in Research and Development in Expert Systems VII, eds. Addis TR and Muir RM, 70-78, Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521404037

Papers published in refereed journals

Mazur M, Jedliński M, Westland S, Piroli M, Luperini M, Ndokaj A, Janiszewska-Olszowska J & Nardi GM, 2024. Smile attractiveness and tooth colour: a study protocol for self-perception with gender-based approach, Journal of Personalized Medicine, 14, 4, 374-390. PDF [accepted 28/03/2024]

Westland S, Finlayson G, Lai P, Pan Qianqian, Yang Jie & Chen Yun, 2024. A computational method for predicting colour palette discriminability, Color research and application, x, x. PDF [accepted 13/03/2024]

Lee S, Vazirian M, Pan Q, Lai P & Westland, S, 2024. A psychophysical analysis of the discernible palette for colour names, Journal of the International Colour Association, 34, 50-60. PDF [accepted 09/02/2024]

Hein S & Westland S, 2023. Illuminant metamerism between natural teeth and zirconia restorations evaluated with a chromatic adaptation transform, The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, PDF [accepted 10/10/2023]

Li D & Westland S, 2023. Beyond intuition: An empirical study of typeface selection in a bilingual context, Information Design Journal, 28 (1), 7-32. [accepted 2/07/2022]

Lai P, Westland S, Booth SA, (2023). Pixel-based object recognition in fashion images to generate colour palettes, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 25, 1-7.

Vazirian M, Song WW & Westland S, 2023. Contemporary Axioms for Colour Reproduction, Journal of the International Colour Association, 33, 43-55. [accepted 22/02/2023]

Guo B, Westland S & Lai P, 2023. Sentiment analysis based on frequency of color names on social media, Color research and application, 48 (2), 243-252. [accepted 30/11/2022]

Chen Y, Yang J, Yu L, Westland S & Wang H, 2023. The multiple characteristics of specific associations from words to colours, Color research and application, 48 (1), 139-150. [accepted 20/09/2022]

Moreland JD, Dain SJ, Cheung V & Westland S, 2022. A model for assessing the efficacy of colour vision aids, Optics Express, 30 (15), 27903-27911. [accepted 2/07/2022]

Jiang A, Yao X, Westland S, Hemingray C, Foing B & Lin J, 2022. The effect of correlated colour temperature on physiological, emotional and subjective satisfaction in the hygiene area of a space station, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (15), PDF. [accepted 25/07/2022]

Lai P, Zhou Y & Westland, 2022. Colour search trends and financial impact in the textile and clothing industry, Journal of the International Colour Association, 30, 24-34. [accepted 06/06/2022] PDF

Kadyrova K, Pederson M & Westland S, 2022. What Elevation Makes 2.5D Prints Perceptually Natural?, Materials, 15(10), 3573, PDF [accepted 16/05/2022]

Gijsenij A, Spiers P, Vazirian, Westland S & Koeckhoven P, 2022. Determining key colors from a design perspective using dE-means color clustering, Color Research and Application, X(x), x-x. [accepted 10/05/2022]

Kadyrova K, Pederson M & Westland S, 2022. Effect of Elevation and Surface Roughness on Naturalness Perception of 2.5D Decor Prints, Materials, 15(9), 3372, PDF [accepted 04/05/2022]

Jiang A, Schlact IL, Yao X, Foing B, Westland S, Hemingray C & Yao W, 2022. Space Habitats Astronautics: Multi-Colour Lighting Psychology in a 7 Days Simulated Habitat, Space: Science & Technology, 2022, PDF. [accepted 25/03/2022]

Xia G, Henry P, Queiroz F, Westland S & Luwen Y, 2022. Colour - cognitive performance interaction in virtual reality (VR): a study of gender differences, Journal of the International Colour Association, 28, 1-6. [accepted 26/01/2022]

Mazur M, Westland S, Ndokaj A, Nardi GM, Guerra F & Ottolenghi L, 2022, In-vivo colour stability of enamel after ICON treatment at 6 years of follow-up: a prospective single center study, Journal of Dentistry [accepted 30/12/2021]

Baxter M, dos Santos Lonsdale M & Westland S, 2021. Utilising design principles to improve the perception and effectiveness of public health infographics, Information Design Journal, [accepted 22/07/2021]

Newton JT, Subramanian SS, Westland S, Gupta AK, Luo W & Joiner A, 2021. The impact of tooth colour on the perceptions of age and social judgements, Journal of Dentistry, 112,103771 [accepted 30/07/2021]

Luo W, Westland S, Li Y & Joiner A, 2021. Investigation of Hue Effects in Tooth Whiteness Perception, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, [accepted 22/06/2021]

Yu L, Westland S, Li Z & Xia G, 2021. The effect of decision time-length condition on consumer product-colour purchase decision, Color Research and Application, 46 (6), 1360-1370. [accepted 13/03/2021]

Xia G, Li M, Henry P, Queiroz F, & Westland S, 2021. Effects of coloured lighting in the real world environment and virtual reality, Journal of the International Colour Association, 27, 9-25. [accepted 09/03/2021] PDF

Yu L, Westland S, Chen Y & Li Z, 2021. Colour associations and consumer product-colour purchase decisions, Color Research and Application,, 1-9. [accepted 27/02/2021]

Xia G, Li M, Henry P, Westland S, Queiroz F, & Peng Q, 2021. Aroused and impulsive effects of colour stimuli on lateral and logical abilities, Behavioral Sciences, x, x. [accepted 02/02/2021] PDF

Chen Yun, Yu L, Westland S & Cheung V, 2021. Investigation of designers' colour selection process, Color Research and Application, x, x. [accepted 17/01/2021]

Ren S, Chen Y, Westland S & Yu L, 2021. A comparative evaluation of similarity measurement algorithms within a colour palette, Color Research and Application, 46(2), 332-340. [accepted 03/11/2020]

Yu L, Westland S & Li Z, 2020. Analysis of Experiments to Determine Individual Colour Preference, Color Research and Application, 46(1), 155-167. [accepted 09/10/2020]

Chen Y, Guo B, Li D, Westland & Vazirian M, 2020. Crowd Sourcing Word-Colour Associations, Journal of the International Colour Association, 25, 55-64. [accepted 07/09/2020]

Gijsenij A, Kirchner E, Vazirian M, Spiers P, Lai P, Westland S & Koeckhoven P, 2020. Analyzing a decade of Colors of the Year, Color Research and Application, 46(1), 258-270. [accepted 14/08/2020]

Hein S, Modrić D, Westland S & Tomeček M, 2020. Objective shade matching, communication, and reproduction by combining dental photography and numeric shade quantification, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry., 33(1), 107-117. [accepted 04/08/2020].

Zhao J, Chen Y, Han T, & Westland S, 2020. Designing Effective Warnings about Addiction on the Patient Information Leaflet of Over-the-Counter Codeine Sold in England to University Students, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(15), 5490. [accepted 24/07/2020] PDF

Lai P & Westland S, 2020. Machine Learning for Colour Palette Extraction from Fashion Runway Images, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 13(3), 334-340. [accepted 15/07/2020]

Mazur M, Westland S, Jedlinksi M, Maroutti A, Nardi GM, Ottolenghi L & Guerra F, 2020. The influence of dental occlusion on spectrophotometric tooth color determinations, The Open Dentistry Journal, 14, 247-254. [accepted 11/04/2020].

Jiang L, Cheung V, Westland S, Rhodes P, Shen L & Xu L, 2020. The impact of color preference on adolescent children’s choice of furniture, Color Research and Application, 45, 4, 754-767. [accepted 23/03/2020]

Molda-Tebar A, Marques-Mateu A, Lerma JL & Westland S, 2020. Patch adaptative selection with K-means for camera characterization in cultural heritage documentation, Remote Sensing, x, x. [accepted 04/02/2020]

Wang Z, Cheung V & Westland S, 2020. Image categorisation based on the spatiochromatic information, Journal of the International Colour Association, 25, 12-23. [accepted 25/01/2020]

Yang J, Chen Y, Xiao K & Westland S, 2020. Predicting visual similarity betwen colour palettes, Color Research and Application, 45(3), 401-408. [accepted 13/01/2020]

Lin J & Westland, 2020. Effect of long-wavelength light on electroencephalogram and subjective alertness, Lighting Research and Technology, x. [accepted 05/01/2020]

Henry PM & Westland S, 2019. The role of gamut, intuition and engagement in colour management in a design context, Coloration Technology, x, x. [accepted 19/11/2019]

Sullivan C Y, Pan QQ, Westland S & Ellwood R, 2019. A yellowness index for use in Dentistry, Journal of Dentistry, x, x. [accepted 12/11/2019]

Li Y, Guan D, Yu Y, Westland S, Wang P, Wang X, He K, Tao S & Meng J, 2019. A psychophysical measurement on subjective well-being and air pollution, Nature Communications, x, x. [accepted 08/11/2019]

Chen Y, Yang J, Pan Q, Vazirian M & Westland S, 2019. A method of exploring word-colour associations, Color Research and Application, 45(1), 85-94. [accepted 23/08/2019]

Lin J, Westland S & Cheung V, 2019. Effect of intensity of short-wavelength light on electroencephalogram and subjective alertness, Lighting Research and Technology, 1477153519872801. [accepted 01/08/2019] PDF

Luo D, Yu L, Westland S & Mahon N, 2019. The influence of colour and image on consumer purchase intentions of convenience food, Journal of the International Colour Association, 24, 11-23. [accepted 01/04/2019] PDF

Lee G, Westland S & Cheung V, 2019. Colour communication challenges: Exploring disciplinary divides, Journal of the International Colour Association, 23, 25-35. [accepted 05/12/2019] PDF

Hemingray C & Westland S, 2019. Towards the design of a blending system for pre-coloured fibres, Coloration Technology, 135 (5), 407-414. [accepted 30/10/2018]

Pan Q, Westland S & Ellwood R, 2018. Evaluation of colorimetric indices for the assessment of tooth whiteness, Journal of Dentistry, 76, 132-136. [accepted 6/07/2018] PDF

Pan Q & Westland S, 2018. Tooth color and whitening - digital technologies, Journal of Dentistry, 74 (Sup. 1). S42-S46. [accepted 24/04/2018] PDF

Perzolla V, Carr CM & Westland S, 2018. Proactive Collaborative Conservation: Museums and Companies Working Towards Sustainability, Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 10.1108/JCHMSD-01-2017-0002. [accepted 27/02/2018].

Won S & Westland S, 2018. Requirements capture for useful colour informtion for design professionals, Color Research and Application, 43 (3), 387-395. [accepted 29/11/2017]

Mazur M, Westland S, Guerra F, Corridore D, Vichi M, Maruotti A, Nardi GM & Ottolenghi L, 2018. Objective and subjective aethetic performance of ICON treatment for enamel hypomineralization lesions in your adolescents: A retrospective single center study, Journal of Dentistry, 68, 104-108. [accepted 1/11/2017]. PDF

Westland S, Luo W, Li Y, Pan Q & Joiner A, 2017. Investigation of the perceptual thresholds of tooth whiteness, Journal of Dentistry, 67, S11-S14. [accepted 25/09/2017] PDF

Luo W, Naeeni M, Platten S, Wang J, Sun JN, Westland S & Joiner A, 2017. The in vitro and in vivo reproducibility of a video-based digital imaging system for tooth colour measurement, Journal of Dentistry, 67, S15-S19. [accepted 25/09/2017] PDF

Yu L, Westland S, Pan QQ, Shin MJ & Won S, 2017. The role of individual colour preferences in consumer purchase decisions, Color Research and Application, 43 (2), 258-267. [accepted 24/08/2017]

Liu Q, Huang Z, Pointer MR, Luo MR, Xiao K & Westland S, 2017. Evaluating colour preference of lighting with an empty light booth, Lighting Research and Technology, 1477153517727330. [accepted 2/08/2017]

Won S & Westland S, 2017. Product-specific colour meanings: A semiotic approach, Journal of the International Colour Association, 18, 43-59. [accepted 30/07/2017] PDF

Liu Q, Huang Z, Xiao K, Pointer MR, Westland S & Luo MR, 2017. Gamut volume index: A colour preference metric based on meta-analysis and optimized colour samples, Optics Express, 25 (14), 16378-16391. [accepted 29/07/2017]

Won S & Westland S, 2017. Colour Meaning and Consumer Expectations, Color Research and Application, 43 (1), 100-109. [accepted 29/07/2017]

Huang Z, Liu Q, Westland S, Pointer MR, Luo MR & Xiao K, 2017. Light dominates colour preference when correlated colour temperature differs, Lighting Research and Technology, 1477153517713542. [accepted 24/05/2017]

Shin MJ & Westland S, 2017. Digitizing traditional cultural designs, The Design Journal, 20 (5), 639-658. [accepted 22/05/2017] PDF

Westland S, Pan Q & Lee S-J, 2017. A review of the effect of colour and light on non-image function in humans, Coloration Technology, 133 (5), 349-361. [accepted 22/03/2017] PDF

Oulton DP & Westland S, 2017. Vector-based modelling of colour difference: a pilot study of the DE2000 colour difference model, Coloration Technology, 133 (1). 15-25. [accepted 31/08/2016]

Won S & Westland S, 2017. Colour meaning in context, Color Research and Application, 42 (4). 450-459. [accepted 22/09/2016] PDF

Hemingray C & Westland S, 2016. A novel approach to using neural networks to predict the colour of fibre blends, Coloration Technology, 132, 297-303. [accepted 29/03/2016] PDF

Li S, Kwak Y & Westland S, 2015. Color difference evaluation for digital pictorial images using magnitude estimation method, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 59 (1), 10503-1-10503-8.

Westland S & Shin M-J, 2015. The Relationship between Consumer Colour Preferences and Product-Colour Choices, Journal of the International Colour Association, 14, 47-56. PDF

Westland S, Li Y & Cheung V, 2014. Monte-Carlo Analysis of Incomplete Paired-Comparison Experiments, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 58 (5), 050506-1. PDF

Moreland J, Cheung V & Westland S, 2014. Evaluation of a model to predict anamalous-observer performance with the 100-hue test, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 31(4), A125-A130. PDF

Shin M-J, Westland S, Moore EM & Cheung V, 2012. Colour preferences for traditional Korean colours, Journal of the International Colour Association, 9, 48-59. PDF

Chen Q, Wang L & Westland S, 2011. A study of metameric blacks for the representation of spectral images, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 55-57, 1116-1121. PDF

Chen Q, Wang L & Westland S, 2011. The perceptual study of the tolerance of spectral images based on bootstrap analysis, Applied Materials Research, 301-303, 1151-1156. PDF

Day PE, Duggal MS, High AS, Robertson A, Gregg TA, Ashley PF, Welbury RR, Cole BO & Westland S, 2011. Discoloration of teeth after avulsion and replantation: results from a multicenter randomized Controlled Trial, Journal of Endondontics, 37, (8) 1052-1057. PDF

Moreland JD, Westland S, Cheung V & Dain SJ, 2010. Quantitative assessment of commercial filter 'aids' for red-green colour defectives, Opthalmic and Physiological Optics, 30, 685-692. PDF

Mahyar F, Cheung V & Westland S, 2010. Different transformation methods between CIELAB coordinates and Munsell hue, Coloration Technology, 126, (1) 31-36.

Zhang Y, Westland S, Cheung V, Burkinshaw SM & Blackburn RS, 2009. A custom ink-jet printing system using a novel pre-treatment method, Coloration Technology 125, (6) 357-365.

Luo W, Westland S, Ellwood R, Pretty I & Cheung V 2009. Development of a whiteness index for dentistry, Journal of Dentistry, 37, Supplement 1, e21-e26. PDF

Zhang Y, Cheung V, Westland S & Beverley KJ, 2009. Colour management of a low-cost four-colour inkjet printing system on textiles using polynomial transforms, Coloration Technology, 125 (1), 29-35. PDF

Joiner A, Hopkinson I, Deng Y & Westland S, 2008. A review of tooth colour and whiteness, Journal of Dentistry, 36S, S2-S7. PDF

Mohan N, Westland S, Brunton P, Ellwood R, Pretty IA & Luo W, 2008. A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of a novel tray based tooth whitening system, Journal of Dentistry, 36, 21-26. PDF

Goswami P, Blackburn RS, Taylor J, Westland S & White P, 2007. Dyeing behaviour of lyocell fabric: effect of fibrillation, Coloration Technology, 123, (6) 387-393.

Westland S, Laycock K, Cheung V, Henry PM & Mahyar F, 2007. Colour Harmony, Colour: Design & Creativity, 1 (1), 1, 1-15. PDF

Luo W, Westland S, Brunton P, Ellwood R, Pretty IA & Mohan N, 2007. Comparison of the ability of different colour indices to assess changes in tooth whiteness, Journal of Dentistry, 35, 109-116. PDF

Moreland JD & Westland S, 2006. Macular pigment and colour discrimination, Visual Neuroscience, 23 (3-4), 549-554.

Paravina RD, Westland S, Kimura M, Powers JM & Imai FH, 2006. Color interaction of dental materials: blending effect of layered composites, Dental Materials, 22, 903-908. PDF

Cheung V & Westland S, 2006. Optimal color selection methods, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 50 (5), 481-488. PDF

Westland S, Owens H, Cheung V & Paterson-Stephens I, 2006. Model of luminance contrast-sensitivity function for application to image assessment, Color Research and Application, 31 (4), 315-319. PDF

Paravina RD, Westland S, Imai FH, Kimura M & Powers JM, 2006. Evaluation of blending effect of composities related to restoration size, Dental Materials, 22, 299-307. PDF

Lee S.M., Xin J.H. & Westland S., 2005. Evaluation of Image Similarity by Histogram Intersection, Color Research and Application, 30 (4), 265-274. PDF

Cheung V., Westland S., Li C., Hardeberg J. & Connah D., 2005. Characterization of trichromatic color cameras using a new multispectral imaging technique, Journal of Optical Society of America A, 22 (7), 1231-1240. PDF

Cheung V., Westland S. & Thomson M., 2004. Accurate estimation of the non-linearity of input-output response for color cameras, Color Research and Application, 29 (6), 406-412. PDF

Cheung V., Westland S., Connah D. & Ripamonti C., 2004. A comparative study of the characterization of colour cameras by means of neural networks and polynomial transforms, Coloration Technology, 120 (1), 19-25. PDF

Westland S., Ripamonti C. & Da Pos O., 2004. Conditions for perceptual transparency, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 13 (1), 29-35. PDF

Barath V.S, Faber F.-J., Westland S. & Niedermeier W., 2003. Spectrophotometric analysis of all-ceramic materials and their interaction with luting agents and different backgrounds, Advances in Dental Research, 17, 55-60. PDF

Westland S., 2003. Review of the CIE system of colorimetry and its use in dentistry, Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, S1, 5-12.

Ripamonti C. & Westland S., 2003. Prediction of transparency perception based upon cone-excitation ratios. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 20 (9), 1673-1680. PDF

Connah D., Westland S. & Thomson M.G.A., 2001. Recovering spectral information using digital camera systems. Coloration Technology, 117 (6), 309-312. PDF

Thomson M.G.A. & Westland S., 2001. Color-imager calibration by parametric fitting of sensor responses. Color Research and Application, 26 (6), 442-449. PDF

Westland S., Graham C., Addison S, Sharrott P. & Rigg B., 2001. Effect of sleeve colour and background colour on change-in-colour assessments. Coloration Technology, 117 (3), 123-126. PDF

Wuerger S.M., Owens H.C. & Westland S., 2001. Blur tolerance for luminance and chromatic stimuli. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 18 (6), 1231-1239. PDF>

Chou W., Lin H., Luo M.R., Westland S., Rigg B. & Nobbs S., 2001. The performance of the new CIE lightness difference formula. Coloration Technology, 117 (1), 19-29. PDF

Moreland J.D. & Westland S., 2001. Efficacy of a colour conversion filter in colour vision testing. Color Research and Application, 26 (S1), S258-S260. PDF

Bruno N. & Westland S., 2001. Colour perception may optimize biologically relevant surface discriminations - rather than type-1 constancy. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24 (4), 658-659. PDF

Wuerger S.M., Morgan M., Westland S. & Owens H.C., 2000. The spatio-chromatic sensitivity of the visual system. Physiological Measurement, 21 (4), 505-513.

Westland S., Shaw A.J. & Owens H.C., 2000. Colour statistics of natural and man-made surfaces. Sensor Review, 20 (1), 50-55. PDF

Westland S. & Ripamonti C., 2000. Invariant cone-excitation ratios may predict transparency. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 17 (2), 255-264. PDF

Foster D.H. & Westland S., 1998. Multiple groups of orientation-selective visual mechanisms underlying rapid oriented-line detection. Proceedings of the Royal Society Lond, B 265 (1406), 1605-1613. PDF

Foster D.H. & Westland S., 1998. Application of the repeated loess method to psychophysical analysis. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 42, 500-510.

Westland S., 1998. Artificial Neural Networks explained - Part I. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 114, October, 274-276.

Westland S., 1998. Artificial Neural Networks explained - Part II. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 114, November, 312-315.

Westland S. & Foster D.H., 1995. Optimized model of oriented-line-target detection using vertical and horizontal filters. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 12 (8), 1617-1622. PDF

Foster D.H. & Westland S., 1995. Orientation Contrast vs Orientation in Line-Target Detection. Vision Research, 35 (6), 733-738. PDF

Westland S., 1994. Advances in Artificial Intelligence for the Colour Industry. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 111, December, 370-375.

Westland S., Bishop J.M., Bushnell M.J. & Usher A.L., 1991. An intelligent approach to colour recipe prediction. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 107, July/August, 235-237.

Westland S. & Nobbs J.H., 1991. The Influence of Substrate Reflectance on the Accuracy of Measurement of the Kubelka-Munk Coefficients of Translucent Printing Inks. Journal of Oil and Colour Chemists Association, 74 (7), 240.

Bishop J.M., Bushnell M.J. & Westland S., 1991. The Application of Neural Networks to Computer Recipe Prediction. Color Research and Application, 16 (1), 3-10.

Papers published as proceedings

Lai P & Westland S (2022). Pixel-based colour image object detection in fashion, Proceedings of the Mid-Term Meeting of the International Color Association, xxx-xxx, Virtual Conference.

Chen M & Westland S (2022). Colour temperature of morning light exposure on wellbeing of healthy adults, Proceedings of the Mid-Term Meeting of the International Color Association, xxx-xxx, Virtual Conference.

Pan Q, Westland S & Naz F (2022). Towards the number of discernible skin colours, Proceedings of the Mid-Term Meeting of the International Color Association, xxx-xxx, Virtual Conference.

Yu L, Westland S, Cheung V & Xia G (2021). Analysis of Research Strategies to Determine Colour Preference II: AFC, Rank-Order and Rating, Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the International Color Association, 885-889, Virtual Conference.

Xia G, Henry P, Queiroz F, Westland S & Yu L (2021). Colour–cognitive performance interaction in virtual reality (VR): a study of gender differences, Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the International Color Association, 1-6, Virtual Conference.

Guo B, Westland S & Lai P (2021). Sentiment Analysis Based on Frequency of Colour Names on Social Media, Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the International Color Association, 1171-1175, Virtual Conference. PDF

Lai P, Guo B & Westland S (2021). Why do people choose their car colours?, Proceedings of the 14th Congress of the International Color Association, 1195-1200, Virtual Conference. PDF

Jiang A, Yao X, Schlact IL, Musso G, Tang T & Westland (2020). Habitility study on space station colour design, Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 507-514, Virtual Conference.

Lee G, Cheung V, Tang T & Westland (2019). Designers’ experience and use of colour information, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 162-167, Buenos Aires, Argentina. PDF

Lin J & Westland (2019). Effect of intensity of short-wavelength light on human alertness, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 200-204, Buenos Aires, Argentina. PDF

Nasseraldin A, Westland & Marsden J (2019). The role of colour in a successful logo, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 171-175, Buenos Aires, Argentina. PDF

Sullivan C, Westland & Ellwood (2019). Comparison of colorimetric data from spectroradiometers and spectrophotometers, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 619-623, Buenos Aires, Argentina. PDF

Xia G, Henry PM, Queiroz F& Westland (2019). Effects of object colour stimuli on human brain activities and subjective feelings in physical environment and virtual reality, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 304-310, Buenos Aires, Argentina. PDF

Yang J, Westland S & Xiao K (2019). Deriving colour palettes from images of natural landscapes, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 351-356, Buenos Aires, Argentina. PDF

Lee G, Westland S & Cheung V (2018). Effective Colour Communication, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the International Color Association, 517-522, Lisbon, Portugal.

Pan Q. & Westland S. (2018). Comparative Evaluation of Color Differences between Color Palettes, The IS&T/SID's Twenty-Sixth Color and Imaging Conference, 110-115, Vancouver, Canada. PDF

Vazirian M. & Westland S. (2018), Effect of choosing a different number of linearization samples on display characterization, The IS&T/SID's Twenty-Sixth Color and Imaging Conference, 237-240, Vancouver, Canada. PDF

Yu L, Westland S & Liu X (2017). Gender and Cultural Effects on Consumer Colour-Purchase Decisions, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, OS02-5, Jejo, Korea.

Lee G, Westland S, Mathews B & Cheung V (2017). Designers Perspective: Colour as a catalyst for improving accessibility?, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, OS02-8, Jejo, Korea.

Yang J, Westland S & Xiao K (2017). Developing a Method for Generating Colour Palette from Landscape Images, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, OS03-1, Jejo, Korea.

Won S & Westland S (2017). Persona Development as a User-Centred Design Tool for Conveying Colour Information Needs in Design, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, PS01-51, Jejo, Korea.

Chen Y, Westland S, Pan Q, Yu L & Yang J (2017). Investigating Cultural Differences In Colour-Word Associations Using Internet Image Search, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, OS04-5, Jejo, Korea.

Zhao B, Pan Q, Wang Z, Xu Y, Li C, Westland S & Xiao K (2017). Developing a model for predicting whiteness of human face, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, OS09-2, Jejo, Korea.

Zhao B, Pan Q, Xu Y, Wang Z, Li C, Westland S & Xiao K, 2017. Investigation of facial attractiveness using a facial image database, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, OS09-4, Jejo, Korea.

Findlater KDM & Westland S, 2017. When are High Dynamic Range Imaging Reproductions Aesthetically Preferable to Colorimetric Accurate Images?, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, OS13-6, Jejo, Korea.

Lin J & Westland S, 2017. Evaluation of the alerting effects of short-wavelength (blue) and broadband wavelength (green) lights on human during late evening using EEG, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, OS17-7, Jejo, Korea.

Pan Q & Westland S, 2017. Effect of Illuminance and Colour of Light Source on Assessing Tooth Whiteness, Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Color Association, OS21-8, Jejo, Korea.

Luo W, Li Y, Westland & Joiner A (2017), Psychophysical studies on the boundaries of natural tooth colour, International Association of Dental Research, submitted.

Zhao B, Xiao K, Li C & Westland S (2016), Investigation of facial healthiness for Chinese using a facial image database, Proceedings of ACA 20116, 113-116. PDF

Pan Q, Katemake P & Westland S (2016), Neural networks for transformation to spectral spaces, Proceedings of ACA 20116, 125-128. PDF

Won S, Westland S, Budha K & Carnie B (2015), Colour information in Design, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 778-781, Tokyo, Japan. PDF

Westland S, Pan Q, Li Y & Lee S (2015), Development of a wide-gamut digital image set, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 549-554, Tokyo, Japan. PDF

Lee S & Westland S (2015), Does colour really affect pulse rate and blood pressure?, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 1118-1121, Tokyo, Japan. PDF

Henry PH & Westland S (2015), Colour management: managing the intuitive issue, the gamut issue and the engagement issue, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 958-961, Tokyo, Japan. PDF

Ciccone N & Westland S (2015), The effect of environment colour on behavioural inhibition, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 472-477, Tokyo, Japan. PDF

Attiah D, Cheung V, Westland S, & Bromilow D (2015), Colour terms in the interior design process, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 482-487, Tokyo, Japan. PDF

Li Y., Westland S., Pan Q.Q. & Cheung V. (2014), Methods to assess the relative number of discernible colors for displays, The IS&T/SID's Twenty-Second Color and Imaging Conference, 151-154, Boston, USA. PDF

Brasil M.J.S.P., Westland S. & Pan Q.Q. (2014), Color naming transitions, The IS&T/SID's Twenty-Second Color and Imaging Conference, 155-158, Boston, USA. PDF

Attiah D.H., Cheung V., Bromilow D. & Westland S. (2014), Colour planning in the interior design process, Proceedings of The Second Conference of Asia Color Association, 187-191, Taipei, Taiwan. PDF

Vazirian M., Cheung V. & Westland S. (2013), Display characterization for moving images, The IS&T/SID's Twenty-First Color and Imaging Conference, 167-170, Albuquerque, USA. PDF

Shin M-J. & Westland S., 2013. Colour palettes in healthcare brand logos, Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Color Association, 1413-1416, Gateshead, UK. PDF

Won S-W. & Westland S., 2013. Colour emotional visualisation, Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Color Association, 1389-1392, Gateshead, UK. PDF

Tantcheva E., Cheung V. & Westland S., 2013. Study of the Use of the Colour Blue in Byzantine and Early Post-Byzantine Church Decoration in the Context of the Presumed Contemporary Interior Lighting, Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Color Association, 909-912, Gateshead, UK. PDF

Mahyar F., Westland S. & Cheung V., 2013. Complementary Colour Harmony in Different Colour Spaces, Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Color Association, 985-988, Gateshead, UK. PDF

Vazirian M., Westland S. & Cheung V., 2013. Effect of background colour on monitor characterisation, Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Color Association, 1035-1028, Gateshead, UK. PDF

Bartafi K., Westland S. & Cheung V., 2013. Colouring of the surfaces of three-dimensional polytopes (the four-colour theorem), Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Color Association, 1153-1156, Gateshead, UK. PDF

Henry P., Westland S. & Cheung V., 2013. Colour selection strategies in colour design, Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Color Association, 1157-1160, Gateshead, UK. PDF

Tsai C-M., Guan S-S., Luo M.R. & Westland S., 2013. An effective method for analyzing the human's region of interest, Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the International Color Association, 1201-1204, Gateshead, UK. PDF

Tantcheva E., Cheung V. & Westland S. (2013), The use of colour measurement in research into art heritage, Proceedings of The First Conference of Asia Color Association, 268-271, Thanyaburi, Thailand. PDF

Tao L., Westland S. & Cheung V. (2012), Blackness: Preference and Perception (Value and Chroma), accepted for the 6th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. PDF

Mohammadzadeh M., Mohammadzadeh M. & Westland S. (2011), The significance testing of a skewed color-imaging data set, The IS&T/SID's Nineteenth Color and Imaging Conference, 43-47, San Jose, USA. PDF

Li Y., Westland S. & Cheung V. (2011), Evaluation of incomplete paired-comparison experiments, The IS&T/SID's Nineteenth Color and Imaging Conference, 39-42, San Jose, USA. PDF

Tao L., Westland S. & Cheung V. (2011), Blackness: preference and perception, The IS&T/SID's Nineteenth Color and Imaging Conference, 270-275, San Jose, USA. PDF

Cheung V. & Westland S. (2010), Evaluation of colour-correcting lenses, Proceedings of the CREATE: colour in art, science, design, conservation, research, printmaking, digital technologies, textiles conference, 348-352, Gjøvik, Norway.

Wang J., Westland S. & Cheung V. (2010), Colour knowledge in design education, Proceedings of the CREATE: colour in art, science, design, conservation, research, printmaking, digital technologies, textiles conference, 281-285, Gjøvik, Norway.

Tao L., Westland S. & Cheung V. (2010), Black, Proceedings of the CREATE: colour in art, science, design, conservation, research, printmaking, digital technologies, textiles conference, 272-275, Gjøvik, Norway.

Shin M.J., Westland S., Cheung V. & Cassidy T. (2010), Colour preferences of the Korean young generation, Proceedings of the CREATE: colour in art, science, design, conservation, research, printmaking, digital technologies, textiles conference, 74-78, Gjøvik, Norway.

Cheung V., Westland S. & Li Y. (2009), Experimental design in incomplete paired-comparison experiments, The IS&T/SID's Seventeenth Color Imaging Conference, 107-110, Albuquerque, USA.

Westland S. (2009), New developments in colour management, 56, IMPACT6, Bristol, UK.

Tantcheva E., Cheung V. & Westland S. (2009), Effect of candlelight on colour appearance of seventeenth-century church interiors, accepted for the Eleventh Congress of the International Color Association, Sydney, Australia.

Cheung V., Wang Z., Westland S. & Luo M.R. (2009), Automatic image classification of scene content, accepted for the Eleventh Congress of the International Color Association, Sydney, Australia.

Li Y., Westland S., Cheung V. & Cassidy T. (2009), Colour preferences for logo design, accepted for the Eleventh Congress of the International Color Association, Sydney, Australia.

Moreland J.D., Westland S., Cheung V. & Dain S.J. (2009), Quantitative assessment of commercial filter 'aids' for red-green colour defectives, accepted for the 20th Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Braga, Portugal.

Luo W. Westland S., Ellwood R. & Pretty I., 2008. Assessing gloss of tooth using digital imaging, Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 307-311, Terrassa, Spain. PDF

Tantcheva E., Cheung V. & Westland S. (2008), Analysis of seventeenth-century church interiors using the Munsell system, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the International Color Association, Stockholm, Sweden. PDF

Mahyar F., Westland S. & Cheung V. (2008), Conversion between CIELAB and Munsell hue, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the International Color Association, Stockholm, Sweden. PDF

Henry P., Cheung V. & Westland S. (2008), Accuracy of cross-media colour memory, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the International Color Association, Stockholm, Sweden. PDF

Kim J.S., Cho M.S., Koo B.K., Luo M.R. & Westland S. (2007), Image quality modelling for moving streams, The IS&T/SID's Fifteenth Color Imaging Conference, 122-126, Albuquerque, USA.

Tantcheva E., Cheung V. & Westland S. (2007), Spectrophotometric analysis of the interiors of seventeeth century churches in Arbanassi, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 363-366, Hangzhou, China. PDF

Mahyar F., Cheung V., Westland S. & Henry P.M. (2007), Investigation of complementary colour harmony in CIELAB colour space, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 82-85, Hangzhou, China. PDF

Kim Y.J, Luo M.R., Rhodes P.A., Cheung V., Westland S., Lee S.S., Kwak Y.S., Park D.S. & Kim C.Y. (2007), Measurement of perceived brightness and contrast sensitivity for outdoor condition, Proceedings of the 26th session of the Commission International de L'Eclairage, 3A-48-3A-51, Beijing, China. PDF

Westland S., Luo W., Ellood R., Brunton P. & Pretty I. (2007), Colour assessment in dentistry, Annals of the BMVA, (4), 1-10, London, UK. PDF

Westland S., Cheung T.L.V. & Lozman O.R. (2006), A metric for predicting perceptual blackness, Proceedings of the IS&T/SID's Fourteenth Color Imaging Conference, 14-17, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Chen Q., Cheung T.L.V. & Westland S. (2006), Effect of spatial structure on visual tolerence, Proceedings of the IS&T/SID's Fourteenth Color Imaging Conference, 268-272, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Henry P.M., Westland S. & Cheung T.L.V. (2006), An intuitive color-selection tool, Proceedings of the IS&T/SID's Fourteenth Color Imaging Conference, 144-147, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Gatt A., Westland S., & Bala R. (2006), Increasing the dimensionality of soft proofing: gloss and material, Proceedings of the IS&T/SID's Fourteenth Color Imaging Conference, 78-83, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Kitaguchi S., Luo M.R., Westland S., Kirchner E.J.J. & van den Kieboom G.J. (2006), Assessing texture difference for metallic coating on different media, Proceedings of the IS&T/SID's Fourteenth Color Imaging Conference, 197-202, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Kim Y.J., Yoo J.J., Luo M.R., Rhodes P.A., Cheung T.L.V., Westland S., Choe W.H., Lee S.D. & Kim C.Y. (2006), Image quality modelling for mobile displays, Proceedings of the IS&T/SID's Fourteenth Color Imaging Conference, 159-164, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Kato Y., Cheung T.L.V., Kitaguchi S., Westland S., Yasunaga H. & Sato T. (2006), Cultural preferences for hair colour, Proceedings of the International Colour Association Interim Meeting: Colour in Culture and Colour in Fashion, 44-47, Johannesburg, South Africa. PDF

Banyard G.D., Cassidy T., Westland S., & Grishanov S.A. (2006), A comparison of various methods for establishinh the relationship between structure and colour for fibre blends in yarn, Proceedings of the International Colour Association Interim Meeting: Colour in Culture and Colour in Fashion, 171-175, Johannesburg, South Africa. PDF

Luo W., Westland S., Brunton P, Ellwood R. & Pretty I., 2006. Validation of a Tooth-Imaging System in Tooth-Whitening Trials, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 40-43, Leeds, UK. PDF

Luo W., Westland S., Ellwood R. & Pretty I., 2006. Uncertainties in tooth colour measurement using digital camera, Proceedings of the 30th International Congress of Imaging Science, 582-584, Rochester, USA. PDF

Henry P.M., Westland S., Burkinshaw S.M. & Cheung T.L.V., 2005. How well can people predict subtractive mixing?, Proceedings of the 13th Color Imaging Conference, 85-88, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Luo W., Westland S., Ellwood R. & Pretty I., 2005. Testing the performance of a modified whiteness formula for dentistry, Proceedings of the 13th Color Imaging Conference, 59-62, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Westland S., 2005. Models of the visual system and their application to image-quality assessment, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Color Association, 309-312, Granada, Spain. PDF

Chen Q., Cheung T.L.V. & Westland S., 2005. Physical modelling of spectral reflectance, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Color Association, 1151-1154, Granada, Spain. PDF

Chen Q., Westland S. & MacDonald L.W., 2005. Efficient representation of spectral transmittance, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Color Association, 1657-1660, Granada, Spain. PDF

Luo W., Westland S., Ellwood R. & Pretty I., 2005. Evaluation of whiteness formulae for teeth, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Color Association, 839-842, Granada, Spain. PDF

Luo W., Luo M.R., Westland S., Tarrant A. & Robertson A., 2005. Measuring the uncertainty of colour matching, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Color Association, 1087-1090, Granada, Spain. PDF

Gatt A., Westland S., Bala R. & Ling Y., 2005. Testing the softproofing paradigm II, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Color Association, 1243-1246, Granada, Spain. PDF

Kitaguchi S., Westland S. & Luo M.R., 2005. Suitability of texture analysis methods for perceptual texture, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Color Association, 923-926, Granada, Spain. PDF

Kim J-S., Cho M-S., Westland S. & Luo M.R., 2005. Image quality assessment for photographic images, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Color Association, 1095-1098, Granada, Spain. PDF

Paravina R.D., Oguri M., Powers J.M. & Westland S., 2005. Blending effect of resin composites. International Association of Dental Research, Baltimore (USA).

Westland S., 2004. Blending effect of resin composites. International Association of Dental Research, Hawaii (USA).

Iovine L., Westland S. & Cheung T.L.V., 2004. Application of Neugebauer-based models to ceramic printing, Proceedings of the 12th Color Imaging Conference, 176-180, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Gatt A., Bala R. & Westland S., 2004. Testing the softproofing paradigm, Proceedings of the 12th Color Imaging Conference, 187-192, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Connah D., Hardeberg JY & Westland S., 2004. Comparison of spectral reconstruction methods for multispectral colour imaging, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Image Processing, 1497-1500, Singapore.

Cheung T.L.V. & Westland S., 2004. Color selections for characterization charts, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 116-119, Aachen, Germany. PDF

Cheung T.L.V. & Westland S., 2003. A review of multispectral imaging techniques for characterization of color cameras: theory and practice, Proceedings of the 11th Color Imaging Conference, 193-198, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Cheung T.L.V. & Westland S., 2003. Accurate estimation of the non-linearity of input-output response for color digital cameras, The Digital Photography Conference, 366-369, Rochester, USA. PDF

Lee S.M.M., Xin J. & Westland S., 2003. Similarity measurement for images judged by human subjects, Proceedings of AIC meeting, xxx-xxx, Bangkok, Thailand.

Westland S., Da Pos P. & Ripamonti C., 2002. Conditions for perceptual transparency, Proceedings of SPIE: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VII, 315-323, San Jose, USA.

Cheung T.L.V. & Westland S., 2002. Colour camera characterisation using artificial neural networks, Proceedings of the 10th Color Imaging Conference, 117-120, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Owens H.C., Westland S., Van de Velde K., Delabastita P. & Jung J., 2002. Contrast sensitivity for lime-purpe and cyan-orange gratings, Proceedings of the 10th Color Imaging Conference, 145-148, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Lee S.M.M., Xin J. & Westland S., 2002. Current status of image retrieval by spatio-chromatic information, Proceedings of World Textile Conference, xxx-xxx, Brussells, Belgium.

Ripamonti C. & Westland S., 2002. Effect of image articulation on perceptual transparency, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 33-36, Poitiers, France. PDF

Connah D.R., Westland S. & Thomson M.G.A., 2002. Optimization of a multispectral imaging system, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, 619-622, Poitiers, France. PDF

Connah D., Westland S. & Thomson M.G.A., 2001. Parametric investigation of Multispectral imaging. Proceedings of SPIE: 9th Congress of the International Color Association, 4421, 943-946, Rochester, USA.

Paltridge R.J., Thomson M.G.A., Yates T. & Westland S., 2001. Color spaces for discrimination and categorization in natural scenes. Proceedings of SPIE: 9th Congress of the International Color Association, 4421, 877-880, Rochester, USA.

Westland S., Iovine L. & Bishop J.M., 2001. Kubelka-Munk or Neural Networks for Computer Colorant Formulation. Proceedings of SPIE: 9th Congress of the International Color Association, 4421, 745-748, Rochester, USA. PDF

Ripamonti C. & Westland S., 2001. Perceptual Transparency, Proceedings of SPIE: 9th Congress of the International Color Association, 4421, 295-298, Rochester, USA.

Connah D.R., Westland S. & Thomson M.G.A., 2001. A computational model for the design of a multispectral imaging system, Proceedings of the 9th Color Imaging Conference, 130-134, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

MacDonald L.W., Westland S. & Liu D., 2001. Multispectral image encoding and compression, Proceedings of the 9th Color Imaging Conference, 135-140, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Ripamonti C., Westland S., Wuerger S.M. & Thomson M.G.A., 2001. Natural image statistics: the search for natural metamers. Proceedings of Colour Science 98, 3, 41-50, Leeds, UK.

Noriega L.A., Heptinstall A.R., Luo M.R. and Westland S., 2001. The perception of achromatic differences. Proceedings of Colour Science 98, 3, 195-204, Leeds, UK.

Ripamnti C. & Westland S., 2001. Perceptual transparency for chromatic and iso-luminant stimuli. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science, 42 (4), S50.

Wuerger S.M., Westland S. & Owens H.C., 2001. Intrinsic blur for luminance and the red-green stimuli. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science, 42 (4), S1729.

Westland S., 2001. Artificial neural networks and colour recipe prediction. Proceedings of Colour Science 98, 3, 225-233, Leeds, UK. PDF

Wuerger S.M., Owens H.C. & Westland S., 2000. Blur tolerance in different colour directions. International Conference on Color in Graphics and Image Processing CGIP'2000, 305-310, Saint-Etienne, France. PDF

Westland S. & Thomson M.G.A., 2000. Spectral colour statistics of surfaces: recovery and representation. Colour Image Science 2000, 33-40, Derby, UK.

Owens H.C., Doherty L.M. & Westland S., 2000. Representation of natural reflectance spectra by an auto-associative neural network. Colour Image Science 2000, 304-311, Derby, UK. PDF

Ripamonti C., & Westland S., 2000. Correlation between cone-excitation ratios invariance and perception of transparency. Colour Image Science 2000, 329-338, Derby, UK. PDF

MacDonald L.W., Westland S. & Shaw A.J., 1999. Colour image reproduction: spectral vs spatial. International Symposium on Multispectral Imaging and Color Reproduction, 81-91, Chiba, Japan.

Shaw A.J., Westland S. & Thomson M.G.A., 1999. Statistical analyses of natural and man-made surface spectral reflectances. Perception, 28, supplement, 30.

Ripamonti C. & Westland S., 1999. Colour signal constraints for the perception of transparency. Perception, 28, supplement, 66.

Owens H.C., Westland S. & Wuerger S.M., 1999. When blurred is better than sharp. Perception, 28, supplement, 72.

Westland S., Ripamonti C., Castellarin I., Thomson M.G.A. & Wueger S.M., 1998. Natural Metamers. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, December.

Thomson M.G.A. & Westland S., 1998. Intrinsic dimensionality of surface-colour representations under artificial illuminants. Perception, 27 (supplement), 28c.

Foster D.H. & Westland S., 1997. Multiple orientation components in line-target detection analysed with repeated loess. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science, 38 (4), S631.

Owens H.C., Westland S. & Wuerger S.M., 1997. Blur tolerance and perceived sharpness in the chromatic and luminance domain. Proceedings of the 5th Color Imaging Conference, 235-239, Scottsdale, USA. PDF

Foster D.H., Westland S. & Doherty L.M., 1994. Orientational anisotropies and the detection of line targets in sparse fields. Fourth International Conference on Visual Search, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Bishop J.M., Bushnell M.J., Usher A. & Westland S., 1993. Genetic Optimisation of Neural Network Architectures for Colour Recipe Prediction. Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Networks & Genetic Algorithms, 719-725, Austria.  

Foster D.H. & Westland S., 1992. Orientation Fine-Structure in Line-Target Detection. The 3rd International Conference on Visual Search, Nottingham, UK.

Bushnell M.J., Bishop J.M. & Westland S., 1992. A Comparison between Chemotaxis and Back-Propagation Learning Applied to Colour Recipe Prediction. Artificial Neural Networks, Vols 1 and 2, Chapter 358, 1513-1516.

Westland S. & Foster D.H., 1992. A Computational Model of Line-Target Detection. The 3rd International Conference on Visual Search, Nottingham, UK.

Westland S. & Foster D.H., 1992. A quantitative model of the preattentive visual detection of oriented line targets. Perception, 21, supplement 2, 98.

Foster D.H. & Westland S., 1992. Fine structure in the orientation threshold function for preattentive detection. Perception, 21, supplement 2, 5.

Westland S. & Foster D.H., 1991. Detection of oriented line targets in multi-element Images. Ophthal. Physiol. Opt., 11, July, 282.

Bishop J.M., Bushnell M.J., Usher A. & Westland S., 1991. Neural Networks In The Colour Industry, in Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VI, eds G.Rzevski & R.A.Adey, 423-435, Computational Mechanics Publications co-published with Elsevier Applied Science.

Bishop J.M., Bushnell M.J. & Westland S., 1990. Colour Recipe Prediction using Neural Networks. Proc. IBM Conference Neural Networks, No. UKSC 242. Winchester, UK.

Book Reviews

Westland S., 2016. Outside Color by M Chirimuuta. Perception, 45 (9), 1084-1085.

Westland S., 2004. Colour science in dentistry by SM Burkinshaw. British Dental Journal, 196 (1), 29.

Westland S., 1997. The internet - a guide for chemists, edited by SM Bachrach. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 113, 182.

Westland S., 1996. Visual Agnosia, MJ Farah. Color research and application, 21 (1), 70.

Westland S. & Linnell K.J., 1994. Visual Search 2: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Visual Search, edited by D Brogan, A Gale, and K Carr. Displays, 15 (3), 191-192.

Published Articles

Westland S. & Rizzi A., 2021. Colorimetry: What's Next?. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (editorial), 137 (1), 3-4. PDF

Westland S. & Meyer G.F., 1997. The internet: is your business ready for the millenium?. Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists, 113, January, 2-6.

Westland S., 2013. Colour physics and colour measurement: state-of-the-art and challenges. Surface Coatings International, 2, 1-4. PDF

Westland S. & Pan Q., 2017. Advances in Instrumental Colour Pass/Fail Analysis. Journal of Textile Science & Engineering, 7 (6), 1-2. DOI: 10.4172/2165-8064.1000321 PDF

Presentations to learned bodies and societies

(speaker in bold: note that presentations that were subsequently published as abstracts or proceedings are not repeated here)

Westland S., 2022. Colour and Wellbeing, Atlanta Decorative Arts Center, Atlanta, USA. [invited panel member]

Westland S., 2022. Does Colour Exist, Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Leeds (virtual). [invited talk] youtube recording

Westland S., 2022. Human-Centric Coloured Environments, 1st Annual Conference Colour Society of Thailand, Bangkok (virtual). [invited talk] event

Westland S., 2021. Unravelling the effects of coloured environments and coloured lights, Inter Society Colour Council, USA (virtual). [invited talk] event

Westland S. and Vazirian M., 2021. Methods for Accurate Display of Colour on Displays, Insttitute for Color Science and Technology Conference, Tehran (virtual). [keynote]

Westland S., 2020. Data Driven Colour Design, The Virtual AI Summit London & TechXLR8, London (virtual). [invited talk]

Westland S., 2020. Colour in Packaging and Product Design, Retail Institute Webinar, Leeds Beckett University (virtual). [invited talk]

Westland S., 2020. Contemporary Colour Theory: Colour Primaries, Society of Dyers and Colourists, UK (virtual). [invited talk]

Westland S., 2019. Data-driven Colour Design: Current Trends - The Future of Colour Design, Akzo Nobel, Sassenheim, Netherlands. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2019. The Effect of Light on the Body - Royal Society of Chemistry (Yorkshire Region) AGM, Leeds. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2017. Colour Meaning and Branding, SLL Masterclass - Business Network Textile International Conference, Korean Textile Development Institute, Daegu, South Korea. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2017. Effect of Light on Alertness and Impulsivity, SLL Masterclass - Lighting Knowledge Series, Society of Light and Lighting, The Lowry, Manchester. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2017. Effect of Light on Alertness and Impulsivity, Colour in Vision, Colour Group UK, City University, London.

Westland S., 2016. Colour Assessment of Teeth (and Skin) using Digital Imaging, 3-D Printing Workshop, Color Imaging Conference (Society of Imaging Science & Technology), San Diego, USA.

Westland S., 2014. Colour Design for Branding and Packaging, British Association for Aerosol Manufacturers, Belfry Hotel, Birmingham. [invited talk]

Westland S. & Tao L., 2013. Blackness, Invited presentation at Workshop on Colorimetry, graphic arts and colour management, International Color Consortium, Leeds. PDF>

Westland S., 2013. Colour Communication, Tiger Print, Hallmark Cards, Bradford. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2009. Measuring Tooth Colour, Annual Meeting of the British Society for Restorative Dentistry, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2008. Creativity and Technology, Symposium of Seeking Beauty and Truth in Kyoto, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan. [invited talk]

Westland S. and Luo W., 2007. Meauring Tooth Whitening using an Imaging System, Colgate Clinical Review Meeting, Soughton Hall, Wales. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2006. Interfacing Design and Technology, Colour Group Meeting, City University, London.

Westland S., Cheung V. & Henry P.M., 2006. Intuitive colour interaction with computers, Microsymposium on Colour Research and Application, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2006. Colour assessment in dentistry, British Machine Vision Association meeting, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London, London.

Westland S., 2005. Recovering spectral information from trichromatic colour cameras, Department of Physics, King's College London, London.

Henry P.M. & Westland S., 2005. How well can people predict subtractive mixing?, Ars Textrina, International Textiles Conference, Leeds University, Leeds.

Westland S., 2005. Computational Colour Vision, Department of Computing, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2005. Colour Representation in Humans and Machines, Whitehead Lectures on Computation, Cognition and Creativity, Goldsmiths University of London. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2004. Colour Science, Avecia Colour Training Course, Grangemouth.

Westland S., 2004. Colour Science, Avecia Colour Training Course, Manchester.

Westland S., 2004. Understanding transparency perception, Department of Optometry, University of Bradford, Bradford.

Westland S., 2004. Neural networks and colour measurement of foodstuffs using digital camera systems, Food Modelling Club, Unilever, Bedford.

Westland S. and Owens H.C., 2003. Towards a model of the contrast-sensitivity function, Department of Optometry and Neuroscience, UMIST, Manchester.

Westland S., 2003. Colour Physics for Industry, Derby Easter Colour Course, Derby.

Westland S., 2003. Colour Science Technology, Nokia Colour Training Course, London.

Westland S. and Owens H.C., 2002. Contrast-sensitivity functions measured for chromatic backgrounds, Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Westland S., 2002. Towards a standard method for correcting reflectance measurements behind glass, National Physical Laboratory, Annual Meeting of the Optical Radiation Measurement Club, Teddington.

Westland S., 2002. Transparency Perception, School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia, Norwich. [invited talk]

Westland S., 2001. Relational colour vision: new studies in transparency, Department of Cybernetics, Reading University, Reading. [invited talk]

Westland S. & Thomson M.G.A., 1999. Surface colour: properties of natural and man-made surfaces, Institute of Physics, Paper, printing and packaging group, London.

Heptinstall A.R. & Westland S., 1997. Prediction of small colour differences using artificial neural networks, City University, Postgraduate Meeting (Colour Group), London.

Westland S., 1997. Recipe prediction for printing inks for paper and board using artificial neural networks, Leeds University, Institute of Physics Annual Congress, Leeds.

Heptinstall A.R. & Westland S., 1997. Prediction of small colour differences using artificial neural networks, National Physical Laboratory, CIE meeting on Visual Scales, Teddington.

Westland S., 1997. Imaging analysis of texture, Derby University, Colour Management for Information Systems, Easter School, Derby.

Westland S., 1996. Colour measurement and reproduction, Aston University, Department of Vision Sciences, Departmental Seminar, Aston.

Westland S., 1996. The application of artificial neural networks for device-independent colour space, Universidad de Murcia, Grupo de Vision y Robotica, Departmental Seminar, Cartagena (Spain).

Westland S., 1996. Neural networks for colour applications: colour recipe prediction and quality control, Keele University, Neural Network Applications Workshop, Keele.

Westland S., 1995. The Physical basis of colour, Reading University, Department of Cybernetics, Departmental Seminar, Reading.

Westland S., 1995. Neural Networks and CMYK Prediction, Derby University Autumn Colour Course, Derby.

Westland S., 1995. Fractal analysis of image texture, National Physical Laboratory, Spectrophotometry and Colorimetry Meeting, Teddington.

Westland S., 1995. Predicting the colour of surfaces, Keele University, Department of Communication and Neuroscience, Departmental Seminar, Keele.

Westland S., 1994. Device-independent colour space and artificial neural networks, Brunel University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Departmental Seminar, Brunel.

Westland S., 1994. The Senses - Measuring and Exploiting, Courtaulds Research Visiting Speaker Programme, Courtaulds Research, Coventry.

Westland S., 1994. Neural Networks and CMYK Prediction, Derby University Autumn Colour Course, Derby.

Bishop J.M. & Westland S., 1993. Prediction of Reflectance Values: towards the integration of neural and conventional colorimetry, International Conference of Artificial Neural Networks 93, Amsterdam, Holland.

Westland S., & Bishop J.M., 1993. Recipe Prediction and Neural Networks, Scottish student meeting of the Society of Dyers and Colorists, Scottish College of Textiles.

Westland S., & Bishop J.M., 1992. Recipe Prediction and Neural Networks, Colour Group visit to Leeds University, Leeds University.

Westland S., & Bishop J.M., 1992. Recipe Prediction and Neural Networks, Leeds student meeting of the Society of Dyers and Colorists, Leeds University.

Bishop J.M., Bushnell M.J., Usher A. & Westland S., 1992. A Comparison Between Chemotaxis and Back-Propagation Learning Applied to Colour Recipe Prediction, International Conference of Artificial Neural Networks 92, Brighton.

Westland S., 1992. Artificial Neural Networks for the Colour Industry, Colour Physics Symposium, Courtaulds Research, Spondon.

Westland S., 1992. The Optical Properties of Pigments, Particulates Technology Technical Symposium, Courtaulds Research, Coventry.

Foster D.H. & Westland S., 1992. Orientation Fine-Structure in Line-Target Detection, The 4th RARDE Vision Seminar, Fort Halstead.

Westland S., 1991. Simulated Annealing: Applications to Image Processing, AVA Applied Vision Software for PCs, UMIST, Manchester.

Westland S. & Foster D.H., 1991. A psychophysically based computational model of line target detection, The 3rd RARDE Vision Seminar, Fort Halstead.

Nath R., Nobbs J.H. & Westland S., 1990. Fluorescence and Match Prediction, III International Symposium on Colour and Colorimetry, University of Maribor, Yugoslav Research Center of Colour.

Westland S., 1989. The Colour Measurement of Loose Stock Fibre, The 2nd Colourgen Colour Conference, Midland Hotel, Manchester.

Westland S., 1987. The Match Prediction of Translucent and Transparent Materials, The 1st Colourgen Colour Conference, Midland Hotel, Manchester.

Major Conferences Attended

Color Impact 2020 Virtual Symposium: A New Vision for Color Education, Inter-Society Color Council, online, 2020.

9th Annual Conference of the Society for Colr and Appearance in Dentistry, Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry, Newport Beach (USA), 2017; [Invited speaker].

24th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, San Diego (USA), 2016.

XI Congreso Nacional del Color, Spanish Colour Group, Ourense (Spain), 2016; [Keynote Speaker].

Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, Tokyo (Japan), 2015; [Member of Technical Program Committee].

22nd Color Imaging Conference, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Boston (USA), 2014; [Session Chair].

12th Congress of the International Colour Association, Newcastle Gateshead (UK), 2013: [General Co-Chair; Technical Porgramme Co-Chair, Chair of MSC2013].

91st General Session of the IADR, International Association for Dental Research, Seattle (USA), 2013; [Session Chair].

20th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Los Angeles (USA), 2012; [Member of Technical Program Committee; General Programme Co-Chair].

Interim Meeting of the International Colour Assocation, International Colour Assocation, Taipei (Taiwan), 2012.

19th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, San Jose (USA), 2011; [Member of Technical Program Committee; Technical Programme Co-Chair].

Interaction of colour and light in the arts and sciences, Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC), Zurich (Switzerland), 2011: [Member of the International Scientific Committee]. (did not attend because of illness)

17th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Albuquerque (USA), 2009: [Member of Technical Program Committee; Co-Chair of Short Courses].

International Conference on Color and Appearance in Dentistry, Texas (USA), 2009: [Invited Speaker].

Annual Meeting of the British Society for Restorative Dentistry, Edinburgh (UK), 2009: [Invited Speaker].

Electronic Imaging Conference, San Jose (USA), 2009: [Invited Speaker].

16th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Portland (USA), 2008: [Member of Technical Program Committee; Co-Chair of Short Courses].

Annual World Dental Congress, Stockholm (Sweden), 2008: [Invited Speaker].

Seeking Beauty and Truth in Kyoto, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto (Japan), 2008: [Invited Speaker].

Putting the human back into colour, CREATE conference, Charville-Mezieres (France), 2008 [Invited speaker].

Collaborate - Innovate - Create, CREATE conference, Bristol (UK), 2007 [Invited speaker].

Microsymposium on Colour Research and Application, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto (Japan), 2006: [Invited Speaker and Session Chair].

14th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Scottsdale (USA), 2006: [Member of Technical Program Committee; Chair of Image Synthesis Session].

3rd European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image and Vision 2006, Leeds (UK), 2006: [Program Co-Chair].

International Congress of Imaging Science: Linking the Explosion of Imaging Applications with the Science and Technology of Imaging, Rochester (USA), 2006: [Co-Chair of Image Quality and Human Perception Session].

13th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Scottsdale (USA), 2005: [Member of Technical Program Committee; Chair of Vision/Colorimetry/Color Appearance Session].

10th Congress of the International Colour Association, Granada (Spain), 2005: [Member of Technical Program Committee, Invited Speaker and Chair of Applied Colorimetry II Session].

12th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Scottsdale (USA), 2004: [Chair of Computer Vision Session].

2nd European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image and Vision 2004, Aachen (Germany), 2004.

International Association for Dental Research Conference, Honolulu (USA), 2004: [Invited Speaker].

10th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Scottsdale (USA), 2002.

1st European Conference on Color in Graphics, Image and Vision 2002, Poitiers (France), 2002: [Member of Programme Committee and Chair of Vision Session].

Electronic Imaging 2002, San Jose (USA), 2002.

International Color Association AIC01, Rochester (USA), 2001.

Association for Scientific Study of Consciousness ASSC4, Brussels (Belgium), 2000.

Colour Imaging Science 2000, Derby University, Derby (UK), 2000: [Member of Programme Committee and Chair of Poster Session].

European Conference of Visual Perception, Trieste (Italy), 1999: [Chair of Colour Vision Session].

European Mathematical Psychologists’ Group Annual Meeting, Keele (UK), 1998: [Chair of Colour Vision 2 Session].

Colour Science 98, Harrowgate (UK), 1998.

5th Color Imaging Conference: Colour Science, Systems and Applications, The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, Scottsdale (USA), 1997.

Institiute of Physics Annual Conference, Leeds (UK), 1997.

Questions of locus in vision, Aston (UK), 1996.

Colour in Context, Durham (UK), April 1996

European Conference of Visual Perception, Pisa (Italy), 1992

Applied Vision Association Annual Conference, Manchester (UK), 1992.

Media Work

Interview - is pink made up by our brains?, BBC Radio Coventry-Warwickshire, May 20, 2020.

Interview - Owning Colour: Red, BBC Radio 4, April 10, 2017.
listen again

Interview - what is colour?, BBC Radio Shropshire, August 5, 2016.

The Race for Colour, BBC1, September 17, 2012.

Interview for Times Higher Educational Supplement, March 28, 1997. PDF

Interview for Science Now, BBC Radio 4, May 31, 1997.


Frequently Asked Questions About Colour Physics, Kindle Edition, Magus Publishing, February 16, 2012.

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Last update: 21 August 2024
copyright 2024 Stephen Westland
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