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Computational Colour using MATLAB MATLAB Toolbox Stephen Westland This page provides supporting data and code for the textbook Computational Colour Science using MATLAB.
Note that the toolbox containing all code in the book can be downloaded for free from MATLAB Central here. This page contains some of the code with additional comments and explanations. |
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sprague.m Interpolates an n by w matrix of spectra where n is the number of spectra. The code implements the method described in CIE Publication No. 167, Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for use in Colour (2005). % ================================================ % *** FUNCTION sprague % *** % *** Interpolates an n by w matrix of spectra % *** where n is the number of spectra % *** f is an interpolation factor % *** e.g. if f=2 the sampling rate is doubled % =================================================== function [p] = sprague(spectra,f) if (f<2 | ((f-floor(f))>0)) disp('invalid f value - premature termination'); p = 0; return; end % set the parameters c = [884 -1960 3033 -2648 1080 -180; ... 508 -540 488 -367 144 -24; ... -24 144 -367 488 -540 508; ... -180 1080 -2648 3033 -1960 884]; [numSpectra lengthSpectra] = size(spectra); for i=1:numSpectra % select a spectrum r = spectra(i,:); % add the extra start and end points k = c(1,:); p1 = (k*(r(1:6))')/209; k = c(2,:); p2 = (k*(r(1:6))')/209; k = c(3,:); p3 = (k*(r(11:16))')/209; k = c(4,:); p4 = (k*(r(11:16))')/209; r = [p1 p2 r p3 p4]; N = lengthSpectra+4; p = zeros(numSpectra,f*(N-5)+1); xx = linspace(1/f,1-1/f,f-1); for j=3:N-3 a0 = r(j); a1 = (2*r(j-2)-16*r(j-1)+16*r(j+1)-2*r(j+2))/24; a2 = (-r(j-2)+16*r(j-1)-30*r(j)+16*r(j+1)-r(j+2))/24; a3 = (-9*r(j-2)+39*r(j-1)-70*r(j)+66*r(j+1)-33*r(j+2)+7*r(j+3))/24; a4 = (13*r(j-2)-64*r(j-1)+126*r(j)-124*r(j+1)+61*r(j+2)-12*r(j+3))/24; a5 = (-5*r(j-2)+25*r(j-1)-50*r(j)+50*r(j+1)-25*r(j+2)+5*r(j+3))/24; y = a0+a1*xx+a2*xx.^2+a3*xx.^3+a4*xx.^4+a5*xx.^5; index = j-2; p(i,(index-1)*f+1) = r(j); p(i,(index-1)*f+1+1:(index-1)*f+1+f-1)=y; end p(i,f*(N-5)+1)=r(N-2); end end % =================================================== % *** END FUNCTION sprague % =================================================== r2xyz.m This function compute CIE XYZ values from n by w matrix of spectral reflectance factors where n is the number of spectra. The calculations are done according to ASTM E308-01, Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects (2001). It is assumed that the spectral data are already corrected for spectral bandpass and that the wavelength interval is 10nm. The range of spectral data can vary between 360 nm and 780 nm. The function requires the CIE spectral weighting functions that are available in the file weights.mat. % =================================================== % *** FUNCTION r2xyz % *** % *** function [xyz] = r2xyz(p, startw, endw, obs) % *** computes XYZ from reflectance p % *** p is an n by w matrix of n spectra % *** e.g. set obs to 'd65_64 for D65 and 1964 % *** the startw and endw variables denote first and % *** last wavelengths (e.g. 400 and 700) for p which % *** must be 10-nm data in the range 360-780 % =================================================== function [xyz] = r2xyz(p, startlam, endlam, obs) if ((endw>780) | (startw<360) | (rem(endw,10)~=0) | (rem(start,10)~=0)) disp('startw and endw must be divisible by 10') disp('wavelength range must be 360-780 or less'); return; end load weights.mat % weights.mat contains the tables of weights if strcmp('a_64',obs) cie = a_64; elseif strcmp('a_31', obs) cie = a_31; elseif strcmp('c_64', obs) cie = c_64; elseif strcmp('c_31', obs) cie = c_31; elseif strcmp('d50_64', obs) cie = d50_64; elseif strcmp('d50_31', obs) cie = d50_31; elseif strcmp('d55_64', obs) cie = d55_64; elseif strcmp('d55_31', obs) cie = d55_31; elseif strcmp('d65_64', obs) cie = d65_64; elseif strcmp('d65_31', obs) cie = d65_31; elseif strcmp('d75_64', obs) cie = d75_64; elseif strcmp('d75_31', obs) cie = d75_31; elseif strcmp('f2_64', obs) cie = f2_64; elseif strcmp('f2_31', obs) cie = f2_31; elseif strcmp('f7_64', obs) cie = f7_64; elseif strcmp('f7_31', obs) cie = f7_31; elseif strcmp('f11_64', obs) cie = f11_64; elseif strcmp('f11_31', obs) cie = f11_31; elseif disp('unknown option obs'); disp('use d65_64 for D65 and 1964 observer'); return; end % check dimensions of p dim = size(p); N = ((endw-startw)/10 + 1); if (length(p) ~= N) disp('dimensions of p inconsistent'); return; end % deal with possible truncation of reflectance i = (startw - 360)/10 + 1; if (i>1) cie(i,:) = cie(i,:) + sum(cie(1:i-1,:)); end j = i + N - 1; if (j<43) cie(j,:) = cie(j,:) + sum(cie(j+1:43,:)); end cie = cie(i:j,:); % the main calculation xyz = (p*cie)*100/sum(cie(:,2)); end % =================================================== % *** END FUNCTION r2xyz % =================================================== cieplot.m This function compute CIE XYZ values from n by w matrix of spectral reflectance factors where n is the number of spectra. The calculations are done according to ASTM E308-01, Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects (2001). It is assumed that the spectral data are already corrected for spectral bandpass and that the wavelength interval is 10nm. The range of spectral data can vary between 360 nm and 780 nm. The function requires the CIE spectral weighting functions that are available in the file weights.mat. % =================================================== % *** FUNCTION cieplot % *** % *** function = cieplot() % *** colour representation of chromaticity diagram % =================================================== function [] = cieplot() % load spectral locus xy values at 1-nm intervals load locus.mat plot(locus(:,1),locus(:,2),'k','LineWidth',2) grid on; hold on axis([0.0 0.75 0.0 0.85]) xlabel('x') ylabel('y') % plot the non-spectral locus plot([locus(1,1) locus(end,1)], [locus(1,2) locus(end,2)],'k','LineWidth',2) % chromaticity coordinates of spectrum locus x = [0.175596 0.172787 0.170806 0.170085 0.160343 ... 0.146958 0.139149 0.133536 0.126688 0.115830 ... 0.109616 0.099146 0.091310 0.078130 0.068717 ... 0.054675 0.040763 0.027497 0.016270 0.008169 ... 0.004876 0.003983 0.003859 0.004646 0.007988 ... 0.013870 0.022244 0.027273 0.032820 0.038851 ... 0.045327 0.052175 0.059323 0.066713 0.074299 ... 0.089937 0.114155 0.138695 0.154714 0.192865 ... 0.229607 0.265760 0.301588 0.337346 0.373083 ... 0.408717 0.444043 0.478755 0.512467 0.544767 ... 0.575132 0.602914 0.627018 0.648215 0.665746 ... 0.680061 0.691487 0.700589 0.707901 0.714015 ... 0.719017 0.723016 0.734674 ]'; y = [0.005295 0.004800 0.005472 0.005976 0.014496 ... 0.026643 0.035211 0.042704 0.053441 0.073601 ... 0.086866 0.112037 0.132737 0.170464 0.200773 ... 0.254155 0.317049 0.387997 0.463035 0.538504 ... 0.587196 0.610526 0.654897 0.675970 0.715407 ... 0.750246 0.779682 0.792153 0.802971 0.812059 ... 0.819430 0.825200 0.829460 0.832306 0.833833 ... 0.833316 0.826231 0.814796 0.805884 0.781648 ... 0.754347 0.724342 0.692326 0.658867 0.624470 ... 0.589626 0.554734 0.520222 0.486611 0.454454 ... 0.424252 0.396516 0.372510 0.351413 0.334028 ... 0.319765 0.308359 0.299317 0.292044 0.285945 ... 0.280951 0.276964 0.265326 ]'; N = length(x); i = 1; e = 1/3; steps = 25; xy4rgb = zeros(N*steps*4,5,'double'); for w = 1:N % wavelength w2 = mod(w,N)+1; a1 = atan2(y(w)-e,x(w)-e); % start angle a2 = atan2(y(w2)-e,x(w2)-e); % end angle r1 = ((x(w)-e)^2 + (y(w)- e)^2)^0.5;% start radius r2 = ((x(w2)-e)^2 + (y(w2)-e)^2)^0.5; % end radius for c = 1:steps % colourfulness % patch polygon xyz(1,1) = e+r1*cos(a1)*c/steps; xyz(1,2) = e+r1*sin(a1)*c/steps; xyz(1,3) = 1 - xyz(1,1) - xyz(1,2); xyz(2,1) = e+r1*cos(a1)*(c-1)/steps; xyz(2,2) = e+r1*sin(a1)*(c-1)/steps; xyz(2,3) = 1 - xyz(2,1) - xyz(2,2); xyz(3,1) = e+r2*cos(a2)*(c-1)/steps; xyz(3,2) = e+r2*sin(a2)*(c-1)/steps; xyz(3,3) = 1 - xyz(3,1) - xyz(3,2); xyz(4,1) = e+r2*cos(a2)*c/steps; xyz(4,2) = e+r2*sin(a2)*c/steps; xyz(4,3) = 1 - xyz(4,1) - xyz(4,2); % compute sRGB for vertices rgb = xyz2srgb(xyz'); % store the results xy4rgb(i:i+3,1:2) = xyz(:,1:2); xy4rgb(i:i+3,3:5) = rgb'; i = i + 4; end end [rows cols] = size(xy4rgb); f = [1 2 3 4]; v = zeros(4,3,'double'); for i = 1:4:rows v(:,1:2) = xy4rgb(i:i+3,1:2); patch('Vertices',v, 'Faces',f,'EdgeColor','none', ... 'FaceVertexCData',xy4rgb(i:i+3,3:5), 'FaceColor','interp') end end % =================================================== % *** END FUNCTION cieplot % =================================================== xyz2srgb.m This function computes sRGB values from an n by 3 matrix of CIE XYZ values. The XYZ values should be in the range 0-1. Srictly speaking the XYZ values should be for illuminant D65 and the 1931 CIE standard observer. % =================================================== % *** FUNCTION xyz2srgb % *** % *** function [RGB] = xyz2srgb(XYZ) % *** computes 8-bit sRGB from XYZ % *** XYZ is n by 3 and in the range 0-1 % *** see also srgb2xyz function [RGB] = xyz2srgb(XYZ) if (size(XYZ,2)~=3) disp('XYZ must be n by 3'); return; end M = [3.2406 -1.5372 -0.4986; -0.9689 1.8758 0.0415; 0.0557 -0.2040 1.0570]; RGB = (M*XYZ')'; RGB(RGB<0) = 0; RGB(RGB>1) = 1; DACS = zeros(size(XYZ)); index = (RGB<=0.0031308); DACS = DACS + (index).*(12.92*RGB); DACS = DACS + (1-index).*(1.055*RGB.^(1/2.4)-0.055); RGB=round(DACS*255); RGB(RGB<0) = 0; RGB(RGB>255) = 255; end % =================================================== % *** END FUNCTION xyz2srgb % =================================================== srgb2xyz.m This function computes CIE XYZ (D65/1931) values from an n by 3 matrix of sRGB values. The sRGB values are assumed to be in the range 0-255. % =================================================== % *** FUNCTION srgb2xyz % *** % *** function [XYZ] = srgb2xyz(RGB) % *** computes XYZ from 8-bit RGB % *** RGB is n by 3 and in the range 0-255 % *** XYZ is returned in the range 0-1 % *** see also xyz2srgb function [XYZ] = srgb2xyz(RGB) if (size(RGB,2)~=3) disp('RGB must be n by 3'); return; end XYZ = zeros(size(RGB)); M = [0.4124 0.3576 0.1805; 0.2126 0.7152 0.0722; 0.0193 0.1192 0.9505]; DACS=RGB/255; RGB = zeros(size(RGB)); index = (DACS<=0.04045); RGB = RGB + (index).*(DACS/12.92); RGB = RGB + (1-index).*((DACS+0.055)/1.055).^2.4; XYZ = (M*RGB')'; end xyz2lab.m Compute CIELAB L*a*b* values from an n by 3 matrix of CIE XYZ values. % =================================================== % *** FUNCTION xyz2lab % *** % *** function [lab] = xyz2lab(xyz, obs, xyzw) % *** computes LAB from XYZ % *** xyz is an n by 3 matrix % *** e.g. set obs to 'd65_64 for D65 and 1964 % *** set obs to 'user' to use optional argument % *** xyzw as the white point % =================================================== function [lab] = xyz2lab(xyz,obs,xyzw) if (size(xyz,2)~=3) disp('xyz must be n by 3'); return; end lab = zeros(size(xyz,1),size(xyz,2)); if strcmp('a_64',obs) white=[111.144 100.00 35.200]; elseif strcmp('a_31', obs) white=[109.850 100.00 35.585]; elseif strcmp('c_64', obs) white=[97.285 100.00 116.145]; elseif strcmp('c_31', obs) white=[98.074 100.00 118.232]; elseif strcmp('d50_64', obs) white=[96.720 100.00 81.427]; elseif strcmp('d50_31', obs) white=[96.422 100.00 82.521]; elseif strcmp('d55_64', obs) white=[95.799 100.00 90.926]; elseif strcmp('d55_31', obs) white=[95.682 100.00 92.149]; elseif strcmp('d65_64', obs) white=[94.811 100.00 107.304]; elseif strcmp('d65_31', obs) white=[95.047 100.00 108.883]; elseif strcmp('d75_64', obs) white=[94.416 100.00 120.641]; elseif strcmp('d75_31', obs) white=[94.072 100.00 122.638]; elseif strcmp('f2_64', obs) white=[103.279 100.00 69.027]; elseif strcmp('f2_31', obs) white=[99.186 100.00 67.393]; elseif strcmp('f7_64', obs) white=[95.792 100.00 107.686]; elseif strcmp('f7_31', obs) white=[95.041 100.00 108.747]; elseif strcmp('f11_64', obs) white=[103.863 100.00 65.607]; elseif strcmp('f11_31', obs) white=[100.962 100.00 64.350]; elseif strcmp('user', obs) white=xyzw; else disp(''unknown option obs'); disp(''use d65_64 for D65 and 1964 observer'); return; end lab = zeros(size(xyz,1),3); fx = zeros(size(xyz,1),3); for i=1:3 index = (xyz(:,i)/white(i) > (6/29)^3); fx(:,i) = fx(:,i) + index.*(xyz(:,i)/white(i)).^(1/3); fx(:,i) = fx(:,i) + (1-index).*((841/108)*(xyz(:,i)/white(i)) + 4/29); end lab(:,1)=116*fx(:,2)-16; lab(:,2) = 500*(fx(:,1)-fx(:,2)); lab(:,3) = 200*(fx(:,2)-fx(:,3)); end % ==================================================== % *** END FUNCTION xyz2lab % ==================================================== |